I love to travel and would like to "see the whole world". The parade of nations during the opening ceremony of the Olympics showcases the large number of countries and their diverse history and culture. I am reminded each time that I have not visited most of these nations. My current tally is 31 out of a total of 195 countries in the world. An average of one new country every 2 years of my life so far. I am not going to see the whole world at this rate :-) What is a good goal to achieve in the future? Seeing all of them does not seem feasible or even enjoyable. Should I visit at least 2 new countries each year? Visit at least 3 countries in each continent? Is this even the right metric to assess my travel experience? Increasing the count of countries visited is not a primary goal for right now, it is a likely side effect of my travels. My decision about the next travel destination is currently based on the experiences it offers - natural beauty, treks, architectural ma...
The world is full of wonders to explore. It is an intricate combination of the natural beauty that surrounds us plus everything we humans have added to it. The mountains, glaciers, rivers, waterfalls, oceans, trees, flowers, animals, birds always amaze me. On top of this, we have the distinct cultures, languages, cuisines, clothes, buildings, architectural gems all around the world. My travel adventures and explorations let me experience, enjoy and appreciate these wonders.